Friday, March 30, 2012


Days later the shore line is void of the chunks of ice that had littered its edges.
The break up song of the shifting ice, now silenced until next year, replaced by gentle crackling of this rapid melt.  This new peaceful tune reminding us of God's gentle call to each of us when we take the time to listen.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Break Up

 As it breaks up in spring, the ice that had formed over our lakes now shifts in the warming sun.

This moving ice 'sings' as it melts, gently sending notes of praise heavenward.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Pelicans have long fascinated me.  Graceful, awkward, sturdy and tender. These able fishers with eagle-like eyesight, they swoop from tree height to make the catch.
One of the many wonders of nature.  Thank you God.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Happened?

At another parish I sat behind a little girl, her grandmother and the grandmother's friend.

During the Eucharistic Prayer priest uttered the words remember "Jesus Christ has died".

The little one said (loudly) "Jesus Christ died, what happened?"

I was looking forward to the answer, when Granny told the little one to be quiet in Church - no explanation offered.  I was disappointed.  I really just wanted to take the little  one aside and chat with her.  A moment lost....