Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby Love

My niece gave birth to a little girl this morning.  The news of her birth brought joy to everyone in this house.

When my daughter and I went to visit, I was startled that the baby was not with my niece and even more surprised when my niece revealed that she had not seen the baby since her birth.

Once I returned home, my nephew called to say that the doctor had just spoken to them.  Baby Milana has been diagnosed with down syndrome. My daughters and I quickly re-formulated our dreams and decided that we would take our new friend to the special Olympics, in skating of course.

However, when we visited the baby we quickly discovered our new niece/cousin is a very sick little baby.
Prayers, please.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I love doing dishes.

The sound and feeling of flowing water.
The clean scent of dishwashing liquid.
The gratitude for the ability to wash.
The appreciation for a meal well prepared and enjoyed. 
The satisfaction of a job well done. 

I am sure that when I get to heaven there will be no dishes to do.  With this surity, I must enjoy this task whenever I can, while I can.

Thank you God!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How Did That Go Again?

My daughter told me that today, a classmate received her tattered test results in a plastic bag.

The teacher's explanation, "My dog ate your homework."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to Love your Neighbour

Today my little friends and I talked about Jesus' commandments: Love God and Love your Neighbour. 

When asked, "How to you show that you love your neighbour?"  One of our wise little ones responded,  "You don't have parties that start at 10 o'clock at night."

Now that is true love for neighbour - and neighbourhood.

And What Did He Say?

This Sunday, prepared with fore knowledge of our planned discussion, the pastor led our children with questions about Jesus' two most important commandments. The children responded well.

Before we began our liturgy, the children and I took a moment to reflect on what was said by the pastor. When I asked, "So what did our priest say Jesus wants us to do?", a little friend replied, "To focus."

I had to 'high-five" him for that!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Memories

For the first time in twenty-five years no trick-or-treaters venture from our house on Halloween.This is a photo of my youngest some 15 years ago.
Time flies.