Sunday, June 23, 2013

Turtle Race

This guy was sunning himself on the road as we drove past.  When I got out of the vehicle to take a photo, he became suddenly camera shy and dashed for the bushes at the side of the road.

Contrary to popular belief, turtles can move very fast if they want to.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Tale of Two Funerals

Today, I attended two funerals.
One for a friend who's young life ended tragically, the other for the mother of a friend.

One funeral was formal, and perhaps almost impersonal because of the large crowd paying tribute to a 'colleague' who died in the line of duty. The other funeral was a true celebration of a life well lived.

Both funerals were presided over by a female. Each of these women spoke well, with compassion and with humanity, born of an understanding of  the human spirit. Their messages expressed a clear understanding of the human relationship with God as healing in times of loss.  Their messages were rich with meaning, clear in delivery and reach deep into the experience of being human.

I am grateful for the words and compassion expressed by both of these women. Both left me wishing that I too could share such a gift of love and left me wondering why the faith tradition that I live has excluded women from this life of ministry.

I cannot imagine that my God would not welcome the ministry of these women and others.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

In the Details

While gardening this evening a found this pair of Luna Moths.

Nestled at the top a long-dead flower stalk, these two moths could easily be mistaken for a flower bud.

While the larger male was well over 4" wide, both moths displayed the same delicate colour patterns resembling a stylized leaf on a pale green background framed in dusty pink.

Even their antenna resembled spring foliage.

Isn't the Lord marvelous?  He has created such detail in even the smallest of his creatures - imagine the detail and attention paid to the creation of each of us.

What treasures the Lord has made! Let us rejoice!