Sunday, November 17, 2013

'S' 2

So, again today I was teaching skating.  Again, I had a circuit marked on the ice.

But today, as I stood at the letter 'S', indicating our starting spot, my little friend 'Stephen' (remember from November 10), approached, looked at the mark on the ice and said, "I have that in my name."

Learning has occured. 

Thank you dear God, for the gift of these little ones in my life.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Spelling Lesson

At one point in our circuit we have a the word 'STOP' written on the ice.

I stood at the word, looking at it up-side down, but knowing that as my little friends approached it would be facing them properly.
As one of my friends attempted to stop, he fell and slid atop our word. 
"Look," he said, pointing to the letters on the ice, "It says, 'P-O-T-S'"

Of course it does!


We use circuits that have been written on the ice with marker, when I teach skating to 4 and 5 year olds.  The letter 'S' marks the place to start our circuit.

Today, I stood at the 'S' when my little friend 'Stephen' approached. 
"Look", I said, "I found the letter 's'. Do you know anyone whose name starts with the letter 'S'?
I could see he face contort in thought. Finally he said, "No"
Before I could respond little Matais approached, very excited to see the 'S' on the ice, he exclaimed, "Hey, I have one of those in my name!"

Oh well!