Sunday, March 31, 2013

Widow's Offering

Lee is one of the street people who is a regular fixture on the stairs of our Church most Sunday mornings. Some people walk past him and look the other way, others complain about the nuisance and yet others have come to befriend him.

Today, as Lee greeted people who entered our spiritual home (with his hand out), he carried with him a photo of himself with his two year old grandson.  He proudly showed me this framed photo indicating that he had only met this child a couple weeks ago. Lee is a very proud grandfather. Naturally I congratulated him about his very handsome little grandson.

We often share the crafts made during the Liturgy of the Word with Children, with some of our street people friends and today would be no different.  Children decorated mini cupcakes with a chocolate cross and sugar flowers and placed these into little cardboard carriers bearing the words "Alleluia! He is Risen!"  One little friend offered to bring a cupcake to Lee. I am very proud of our children's acceptance of the street people. Our children truly live Christian lives.

To my surprise, as I was leaving the Church this morning, Lee approached me with a dollar and asked if I would add it to the collection.  Needless to say, I was very moved by his generous donation. Although he does not enter our place of worship, through our growing relationship, I have come to feel that Lee is a member of our spiritual family. 

This morning, Lee, in an act reflecting the Widow's Offering, demonstrated once again the work of the Spirit in this world, indeed, He is Risen.

Happy Easter!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Angel in the Midst

After Mass, today I said a few words on my knees, and then sat in the pew to wait.
Just as I sat, a lady, who I did not know sat beside me.

"What is going on here? she asked.

So explained the people had lined up for the sacrament of the sick.  Their ailments may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, but they are all seeking healing with the anointing with Holy Oils. I referenced the prayers that the priest had said before Mass ended.

Then she asked about the Monstrance. So I explained about the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and responded to all of her questions to the best of my ability.

She then told me that she had been away from the church for many years and returned about one and a half years ago.  She suggested she was drawn to her reunion with the Church through the previous pastor, but now she wanted Mass book so she could understand what was going on.

I showed her where to find the new Mass in the red book, how to follow along and about the parts of the Mass (in broad strokes). By then my spouse had been waiting (patiently) for a while and she said that she should let me go, but asked if I would be willing to chat with her again next time we were both at Mass.

As we left, my spouse asked me how I knew her.  I replied that I did not and that she suddenly appeared. In fact, although we followed her out the doors, I did not see her in the parking lot afterwards. My husband responded that she certainly found the right person to talk to because even he learned a few things (I do not know how long he listened) .

I do not know how she came to find me or why she found me - but I do know that it felt good to talk about Mass, Church vessels and other 'churchology'.

I really think this Angel was sent to remind me about those things that I do well. 

Yes, once again God works in wonderful ways.