Sunday, September 22, 2013

They Prayed for Safety

When asked today what they wanted to pray for our young friends asked to pray for 'safety'.

In a week during which a shopping mall is under siege, people in the Philippines are at risk due to weather conditions and even riding a city bus is risky, our children had chosen to ask our Lord for his protection, not for us, but for those at risk in this world.

I am so proud of our young friends.

May God cast His loving eyes towards these areas in our world and bring His peace. 
May His people find comfort in His loving embrace.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Empty Network

Once the sunflower seeds had been enjoyed by the family of blackbirds, the remaining flower head revealed a marvelous network that so neatly held the seeds in place.

The precise intricacy of an empty seed head is yet another gift to behold.

Our gratitude again extended to the creator who graced us with this gift. 

Treat Day

For weeks I wondered how I would know when the sunflower seeds were ready for harvest. I found out today when I found this blackbird and some of his friends enjoying a tasty treat.

The treat was so good that hours later the birds had eaten a hole right through the flower head.

While I had hope to have my share of the sunflower seeds, I am grateful that was able to share with God's creatures.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Shades of Pink

These begonias shimmer in the bright light of the sun. A delight for the eyes, these flowers demonstrate hundreds of shades of pink, inviting us to not only stop and smell the flowers, but to also enjoy the show of their blooms.

Itzy Bitzy at Work

Woven of fine  threads in a delicate pattern of both strength and beauty, the web, glistening in the evening sun, is the final resting place for a wasp. Having caught his prey in the web, this spider now works to move his meal.

Following God also means that we need to work before we can have our reward. 

How beautiful our work is in God's eyes!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

No More

 In the past I have written about my little budgie friend, adopted from my mother, who had the habit of chewing through his perches.

Tonight, his perch is empty. After a long and wonderful life in the company of his human and feathered friends, Hanzi returned to his first owner, my mom and to our Lord.

I imagine, the first seconds of his new life, as my mother reached down her hand to offer him a finger perch.

Enjoy your new life my friend, we will miss you!

Practice makes Perfect

As winter nears, trees begin to change colours, the air surrounding us grows chilly and the geese begin to demonstrate their 'V' formation as they prepare for their flight to warmer climates.

Today we witnessed hundreds of these magnificent birds fill the skies.

Life is practice. As God's people, we must practice each day to follow Him faithfully.

Above and Beneath

A family staple, the potato.  These are the flowers of our purple potatoes. Adding colour to the early fall garden, they are a sign that the vegetable beneath is almost ready to eat.

 At the same time, potatoes that were planted earlier in the year, were ready for harvest. The fruits of our labours now await our enjoyment.

Gift above and gifts below the earth.

What a generous Lord to grant us such delights!

Friday, September 6, 2013

I Didn't Do It

If they did not see me, I did not do it. 

Sometimes, like children, we believe that God may not see our transgressions. But, we know, like the parent that He is, God sees all. 

Yet, like a loving parent, He always forgives. It is human to think that if we live poorly God will neglect us.  But, God is not like that. God will always love us. In fact, it is in our moments of disgrace that God offers us His grace.

It is in our weakness, and especially in our admission of weakness, that our loving God reaches out and embraces us.

We need to see our moments of failing, not as failing God, but as those opportunities to ask for help and to accept His grace.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wings of Beauty

That God would put so much effort and so much beauty into an insect, says to me that He would put as much, if not more beauty into each of us, made in His name.

Before placing judgement next, consider that care and consideration the our God put into that being.

Judge not, but stand back and admire the unique beauty standing before you.