Sunday, May 26, 2013

Trinity Explained

I learned the most wonderful thing today.

As my little friends at Mass discovered more about the Holy Trinity, we tried to find comparisons to help us understand how one thing can be three things at one time (clover, triangle etc).

Did you know that Father, Son and Spirit are Trinity, which is three things in one?
Did you know that a cell phone is three things in one?

A cellphone can give us valuable messages - just like the Jesus does.
A cellphone can capture images helping us to remember - just like the Holy Spirit helps us to remember to always think of God.
A cellphone can amuse and entertain us - just like God has given us life that is amusing and entertaining (we all play the game of Life - n'est pas?)

Thus God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (aka Trinity) are like a cellphone.

The wonder of a child's theology!

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