Friday, May 27, 2011


I listened to a friend yesterday.  I have known this gentleman for about a year, but over this time, with each encounter, I am more amazed by the depth of this soul and the breadth of his experience.

His life has not been easy: early physical abuse, violence, family disputes, and the misuse of substances leading to near-death and a deformity in this arm.

Many of these experiences contributed to his substance misuse and addiction. But it was his journey of recovery that has brought him to a great self awareness. He recognizes that he would not be the person that he is today, if he had not had the experiences that he lived.

These days he freely gives his time to help others understand his life journey in an effort to help the loved ones of those involved with drugs and alcohol abuse and to try to prevent others from misusing substances because this behaviour may lead to addiction.

At the heart of his recovery, he freely admits, is a new found love of God and Jesus. He admits that he used  substances was in an effort to fill a need that is now filled by God.

His life journey has been a difficult fortunate for those of us who understand the power of God without risking our lives and our families first.

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