Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Dance of Divine Love

From our Pastor's reflection this weekend:

In our modern day, dancing seems to be more and more a community affair.  Have you ever noticed that modern music lends itself more to groups of people gathering on a dance floor?  Admittedly we still count the slow dance among our repertoire, but the intricate movements of a tango, or of the Viennese waltz hold a certain beauty even for the bystander which seems almost to be lost except to only some relative few.  For a waltz to move gracefully, there must be one who will lead and another who will follow.  If both partners tried to lead, there would be confusion, and if both were to follow, there would be equal muddle.

So it is with the relationship we are invited to explore with our God.  From the day of our baptism, we are invited to stand on the dance floor, and to allow God to lead the dance.  If we ourselves are intent on dictating the movements, we often will find ourselves stumbling, but if we are willing to listen, to follow the promptings of the spirit, the dance can be fluid, graceful and moving in perfect time to a music that seems even more sublime than any instrument could render.

The dance of divine love continues today.  We in our turn are being invited to play our part, to discover what it’s like when we allow the Father to lead, when we look to Jesus for guidance and when we allow the Spirit to act through us.  This is a gesture of mutual love, and we are being asked, May I have this dance?

The dance of divine love...means giving up control and allowing God to work through me, to change me, to make me one with Him. 
Where you lead, dear Lord, through your Holy Spirit, give me the strength to give away 'me' and to follow you whole-ly and fully. 

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