Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I love to learn.
Currently I am taking a course through Ryerson on Food Security and it is exam time.

Our exam this time consisted of two questions to be answered separately but handed in together.
I goofed.
I handed in one part and clicked send before attaching my second response. When I tried to add the second part, I was blocked.  So I tried again, to no avail. Remembering that Einstein said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I tried sending the paper via College email.  Then I sent it again through personal email.

When handing in papers, I always hope for the best, but my goal is only 50%. My average in the class is about 40% higher than my goal.  My daughter relished that if the paper was not accepted because I did not hand it in properly, I would not reach my goal.

To her disappointment, when I checked email the next morning, I received an email from the instructor telling me to relax.  He had received all four copies of my assignment.


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