Friday, July 27, 2012


After a week of not getting anything done, because when people see me at my desk they think they can talk to me , I sat down for a quiet afternoon - many people have taken the afternoon off. 

Christ is funny.  He sent not one by two people who - seeing that things were quiet, felt drawn to come and sit and speak to me.

One came to tell me about a dream she had about someone she knew and said that she felt I would know what to do about it. Yes, I advised her to follow her instincts.

The other, came and asked if I would walk with her outside for a couple minutes. Her question, "Do you believe in life after death?"  I was aware that she had miscarried some years ago. A friend of hers told her about "Heaven is for Real" and the part about the little boy meeting his sister. She wanted to know if it was 'Catholic' to believe that her baby would be waiting for her in Heaven.  Reassurance offered. 

No wonder I love Him - he knows the importance of real work on a Friday afternoon.

Now if God would only let me get some work done!

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