Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Coffee Break

Today I listened to some music from the soundtrack of the musical "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying".

The words of the tune "Coffee Break" stuck with me.

"If I can't take my coffee break, 
Something within me dies. 
Lies down and something within me dies. " 

These words drew me into an endless query of the needs of our society for a quick fix.  That caffeine would provoke such desperation is a sign of our times. 

Used to relieve fatigue, to celebrate, to grieve, or as friend to break the daily routine, the casual cup of coffee has been replaced with a latte, expresso, cappuccino or macchiatto. 

To watch the morning crowd at a local coffee shop one can quickly draw conclusions about the truth in these lyrics.  The reality however, is likely the opposite - without the caffeine fix perhaps we would learn to live more fully. 

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