This evening the first of the little ones to darken our door was the three year old grandson of neighbours. He and this five year old brother were fascinated by our eerie decorations.
As the older brother dutifully listened to his grandparents and attempted a graceful departure the little one remained. Trying to help out his waiting famliy, I suggested, "I guess it is time to go, mommy and daddy are waiting for you."
My new little friend, very matter-of-factly replied, "My daddy is not here. He is in heaven." Tears were almost immediately at the ready, when I heard big brother respond, "Yeah, he is with our dog. Our dog is in heaven. Come on we gotta go!"
The resilience of children! Happy Haunting my friends.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
With Frosted Breath
I would
love a chance for the people in the pews to hear the wisdom of our
When we talked about the gift of sight on this frosty morning, one wise child reflected that on these mornings he knows he is really alive. So I asked "why?".
"Because I can see my life - I can see me breathing" was his response.
Imagine...the gift of sight to see our breath on an icy morning and the gift of insight to recognize God's love visibly pouring into us, and pouring out of us.
When we talked about the gift of sight on this frosty morning, one wise child reflected that on these mornings he knows he is really alive. So I asked "why?".
"Because I can see my life - I can see me breathing" was his response.
Imagine...the gift of sight to see our breath on an icy morning and the gift of insight to recognize God's love visibly pouring into us, and pouring out of us.
Christmas Zombies
Today, during Liturgy of the Word with children, I asked some of the
parents if they had any suggestions for our Christmas Eve Mass.
Happily, my request was met with many offers of help.
Two of our little boys over heard some of the conversation and decided that for Christmas, the children should be zombies. They would dress in angel outfits, paint their faces to look like they were dirty and instead of 'angel hands' (a prayer posture) they would process with arms outstretched. I will admit, the idea was growing on me.
Later, as Mass ended our priest said his final blessing, but the response was exceptionally weak. My daughter turned to me saying, "I think the zombies are here already."
Two of our little boys over heard some of the conversation and decided that for Christmas, the children should be zombies. They would dress in angel outfits, paint their faces to look like they were dirty and instead of 'angel hands' (a prayer posture) they would process with arms outstretched. I will admit, the idea was growing on me.
Later, as Mass ended our priest said his final blessing, but the response was exceptionally weak. My daughter turned to me saying, "I think the zombies are here already."
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Risk or Risk Not?
"You may avoid suffering and sorrow if
you don't risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love,
live. The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who
risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing. Only a person who risks is
Bob Proctor
Author and Speaker
Author and Speaker
How often do we refrain from asking? Do we not try? Do we not dream? Do we not dare? We were not put on this earth to walk a journey of fear. Our God gently encourages us to dare. He wants us to risk. He wants us to try.
It is in this opportunity that we grow and find His love in great abundance.
The next time that life presents you with a challenge - Will you take the risk? Will you enjoy the reward?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Ministry of Bullying
Ever have a situation occur when you hear and or see something and afterwards you wish you would have reacted differently?
As many may know, I am an active Catholic. I love my God. I love the people of my parish. I have actively tried to live the faith of the Post Vatican II Church; an evangelistic faith.
Today, I was caught in a situation where the new parish priest said some harsh words to me, in the presence of others. I reacted, as many would, in stunned silence. In retrospect, I wish I had been quicker on feet. I wish I could have called attention to the harshness and called out the parish bully.
Having been raised in this century, one during which women gained the right to vote and the right to equal pay for equal work, I feel that we are all equal. I know that under our skins we each have beating hearts and red blood coursing through our veins. I know that once our skin is peeled away, it is hard to distinguish race, economic status or creed. However, in the present of our parish bully, I have been lead to believe that by being female, I am inferior. I have been made to feel that my opinions and my work are not to be valued.
Christ welcomed the outcast. Christ cheered for the underdog. He walked with women, children, tax collectors and lepers. Christ walks with me. I know that in His Church I am welcome. I am His Church.
My church does not have a Ministry of Bullying. Help me to stand up to the men who preside weekly in the sanctuary and profess to be men of God while failing to see each of us as equal. Speak up with your story and let's put an end to the Ministry of Bullying.
As many may know, I am an active Catholic. I love my God. I love the people of my parish. I have actively tried to live the faith of the Post Vatican II Church; an evangelistic faith.
Today, I was caught in a situation where the new parish priest said some harsh words to me, in the presence of others. I reacted, as many would, in stunned silence. In retrospect, I wish I had been quicker on feet. I wish I could have called attention to the harshness and called out the parish bully.
Having been raised in this century, one during which women gained the right to vote and the right to equal pay for equal work, I feel that we are all equal. I know that under our skins we each have beating hearts and red blood coursing through our veins. I know that once our skin is peeled away, it is hard to distinguish race, economic status or creed. However, in the present of our parish bully, I have been lead to believe that by being female, I am inferior. I have been made to feel that my opinions and my work are not to be valued.
Christ welcomed the outcast. Christ cheered for the underdog. He walked with women, children, tax collectors and lepers. Christ walks with me. I know that in His Church I am welcome. I am His Church.
My church does not have a Ministry of Bullying. Help me to stand up to the men who preside weekly in the sanctuary and profess to be men of God while failing to see each of us as equal. Speak up with your story and let's put an end to the Ministry of Bullying.
Super Heros
I was invited to a superhero party today. It was a blessing to be in the company of so many who have made it part of their life's work to look out for others.
The Hulk
The Green Lantern
Captain America
Imagine what this world could be like if we all became superheros for one another?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
His Excellency Brian Dunn, Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish, addressed the Synod in Rome with these remarks.
It is my hope for all Catholics that these remarks ignite the Spirit in those who heard them and those who read these comments. Ours is Church built on a rich tradition that includes the work of Vatican II.
I pray that this vision of our Church soon finds its way to reality.
Thank you Bishop Dunn.
It is my hope for all Catholics that these remarks ignite the Spirit in those who heard them and those who read these comments. Ours is Church built on a rich tradition that includes the work of Vatican II.
I pray that this vision of our Church soon finds its way to reality.
Thank you Bishop Dunn.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Dare to Be Scared
I love Hallowe'en.
I love to decorate with scary and not-so-scary creatures both inside and outside. I love to bake ghoulish delights and to serve frightening snacks to unsuspecting guests.
Tonight, some of my husbands friends gathered for:
Won't you come and be my victim too?
I love to decorate with scary and not-so-scary creatures both inside and outside. I love to bake ghoulish delights and to serve frightening snacks to unsuspecting guests.
Tonight, some of my husbands friends gathered for:
![]() |
Spinach Dip Cauldron on a Fire |
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Rest In Peace Cheese Dip Tombstone and Crackers |
Brains (shrimp in seafood sauce) |
Monday, October 15, 2012
...but not out.
Into every life a little rain must fall. However, its seems that lately the rain won't stop.
I have been experiencing my own sort of crisis in faith. Changes in our parish have been a constant over the past couple months.
Because I am curious, I count the people in the pews. Where once we hosted 250 at a Mass we are now seeing about 100 - 150. This results in a decreased income. Calls for assistance are going unanswered. Mass sometimes feels like a mini-post apocalyptic scenario. The choir is fighting with the organ. People sternly glare at misbehaved children. Faces are down cast.
Or is this all just perception. Life is, as we perceive it.
If I think there is a decline in attendance, I will count a decline. If I think income is down, I will look at the numbers and perceive a decrease. If I perceive discord, I will see discord.
Perhaps I need to return with the eyes of faith, seeing the challenges set forth by our Lord, embracing these changes and finding the ways that the Spirit is at work in our faith community.
If I perceive it, it will come.
Into every life a little rain must fall. However, its seems that lately the rain won't stop.
I have been experiencing my own sort of crisis in faith. Changes in our parish have been a constant over the past couple months.
Because I am curious, I count the people in the pews. Where once we hosted 250 at a Mass we are now seeing about 100 - 150. This results in a decreased income. Calls for assistance are going unanswered. Mass sometimes feels like a mini-post apocalyptic scenario. The choir is fighting with the organ. People sternly glare at misbehaved children. Faces are down cast.
Or is this all just perception. Life is, as we perceive it.
If I think there is a decline in attendance, I will count a decline. If I think income is down, I will look at the numbers and perceive a decrease. If I perceive discord, I will see discord.
Perhaps I need to return with the eyes of faith, seeing the challenges set forth by our Lord, embracing these changes and finding the ways that the Spirit is at work in our faith community.
If I perceive it, it will come.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I am grateful to her for reigniting the flame of faith with her sharing.
I am grateful to God for bringing her to me.
Monday, October 8, 2012
With Gratitude
In this area of the world, we use this day to take time to appreciate all that we have in a celebration called Thanksgiving.
Thank you to
God, Jesus and Spirit, for the gifts of all of creation, love, hope, joy and peace.
My husband, for his love and steadfast caring for me and our family.
My children, for the many joys that you bring to each day.
My extended family, who joyfully share their love and caring.
My skating family, who sometimes are more like family than the people I am actually related to.
My parish family, whose faith and continuing sharing of a love for God is a constant source of inspiration.
My good friends, who are always there for me, any day, any time and mood.
My feathered and furry friends, the ones who live within these wall and outside, you are part of God's gift and a source of unconditional love.
All of nature, for warmth on a sunny day, glorious healing rain, trees that offer shade, flower that fill the world with colour, fruits and vegetables to feed the body and beauty to feed the soul.
For life, death and all of moments in between - sources of joy, sadness, love, fear, tears, smiles, quiet-times, crazy busy times...
i am grateful for it all.
Thank you to
God, Jesus and Spirit, for the gifts of all of creation, love, hope, joy and peace.
My husband, for his love and steadfast caring for me and our family.
My children, for the many joys that you bring to each day.
My extended family, who joyfully share their love and caring.
My skating family, who sometimes are more like family than the people I am actually related to.
My parish family, whose faith and continuing sharing of a love for God is a constant source of inspiration.
My good friends, who are always there for me, any day, any time and mood.
My feathered and furry friends, the ones who live within these wall and outside, you are part of God's gift and a source of unconditional love.
All of nature, for warmth on a sunny day, glorious healing rain, trees that offer shade, flower that fill the world with colour, fruits and vegetables to feed the body and beauty to feed the soul.
For life, death and all of moments in between - sources of joy, sadness, love, fear, tears, smiles, quiet-times, crazy busy times...
i am grateful for it all.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Tribute to Niels Bohr
Happy Birthday to Niels Bohr!
A physicist who made great contributions to our understanding of how atoms work and who gave us the diagram that bears his name The Bohr Model, he began his earthy journey 127 years ago.
When this news reached my young scientist daughters plans were quickly hatched to celebrate this esteemed man of science. How else to celebrate but with cheesecake proudly adorned with the model of an atom.
This special blend of science and sweetness was created in a warm kitchen filled with laughter amid chemistry jokes including
Q: Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium the healing elements?
A: Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!
Q: Anyone know any jokes about sodium?
A: Na
Two atoms are walking down the street.
One atom says to the other, "Hey! I think I lost an electron!"
The other says, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm positive!"
Yes, science does have a lighter side.
Why I Need a Little Sister
I learned today the importance of siblings.
One little friend had recently asked his mother for a new baby. He reasoning, "Because my big sister is too big to tease."
And they say honesty is the best policy!
One little friend had recently asked his mother for a new baby. He reasoning, "Because my big sister is too big to tease."
And they say honesty is the best policy!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Celebrate St. Francis!
Happy Feast Day of St. Francis!
Known for his love of the environment, it seems fitting that during these glorious autumn days (that display the best of Mother Nature), we would celebrate this beloved Saint.
Known for his love of the environment, it seems fitting that during these glorious autumn days (that display the best of Mother Nature), we would celebrate this beloved Saint.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Looking for Slang
In preparation for a presentation tomorrow I emailed (in the subject line : looking for slang) a community partner asking:
I am looking for street names of various local popular drugs – do you know any that you can share?
My community partner responded:
I checked
the city website and couldn’t find much. The only semblance I found
were alcohol related – Cognac Crt, Merlot Crt, cigarette related –
Marlborough st, and High St in Levack.
Next time, I will try to be more clear.
Monday, October 1, 2012
In 1984
It was March 1984, when I was privileged to be introduced to a wonderful older lady whose gentle grace lefts its lasting mark with me.
Although, I can no longer recall how it was that I had been invited to attend a special reception in this lady's honour, I know it had to do with the family connections of a university friend. Despite the room filled with people, this great athlete took time to meet and greet each person. I remember her smile, when her eyes first met mine. I recall fondly our brief conversation, during which I had mentally planned to 'gush' about my admiration of her accomplishments, that turned instead to her interest in me. She inquired about my link to her favourite sport and encouraged me to continue to share my passion.
Many years later, I met her again. Once more, she focused on those people in her presence, driving attention away from her standing in the world of sports. Hers was a spirit and passion for others that cannot be forgotten.
Barbara Ann Scott won Canada's only Olympic gold medal in women's figure skating in 1948 in St. Moritz, Switzerland. A lifetime spent receiving honours for this achievement did not seem to change her. While she happily recalled this accomplishment, her focus was always on the future and on those around her.
Thank you Barbara Ann for a wonderful example of a life well lived.
Farewell Sweet Lady.
Although, I can no longer recall how it was that I had been invited to attend a special reception in this lady's honour, I know it had to do with the family connections of a university friend. Despite the room filled with people, this great athlete took time to meet and greet each person. I remember her smile, when her eyes first met mine. I recall fondly our brief conversation, during which I had mentally planned to 'gush' about my admiration of her accomplishments, that turned instead to her interest in me. She inquired about my link to her favourite sport and encouraged me to continue to share my passion.
Many years later, I met her again. Once more, she focused on those people in her presence, driving attention away from her standing in the world of sports. Hers was a spirit and passion for others that cannot be forgotten.
Barbara Ann Scott won Canada's only Olympic gold medal in women's figure skating in 1948 in St. Moritz, Switzerland. A lifetime spent receiving honours for this achievement did not seem to change her. While she happily recalled this accomplishment, her focus was always on the future and on those around her.
Thank you Barbara Ann for a wonderful example of a life well lived.
Farewell Sweet Lady.
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