Monday, October 15, 2012


...but not out.

Into every life a little rain must fall.  However, its seems that lately the rain won't stop.

I have been experiencing my own sort of crisis in faith.  Changes in our parish have been a constant over the past couple months.

Because I am curious, I count the people in the pews. Where once we hosted 250 at a Mass we are now seeing about 100 - 150. This results in a decreased income. Calls for assistance are going unanswered. Mass sometimes feels like a mini-post apocalyptic scenario. The choir is fighting with the organ.  People sternly glare at misbehaved children. Faces are down cast.

Or is this all just perception. Life is, as we perceive it.

If I think there is a decline in attendance,  I will count a decline.  If I think income is down, I will look at the numbers and perceive a decrease. If I perceive discord, I will see discord.

Perhaps I need to return with the eyes of faith, seeing the challenges set forth by our Lord, embracing these changes and finding the ways that the Spirit is at work in our faith community.

If I perceive it, it will come.

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