Sunday, January 6, 2013


As I pondered the gifts of the Magi, rolling slightly 'pine' scented frankincense  and musty scented myrrh in my fingers, a richer meaning of these gift dawned.

Gold is a gift meant for Kings.  Royalty and those of special status adorn gold as a symbol that sets them aside. It is fitting the Christ, our King was given gold.

Frankincense, a resin, is used in the healing arts and in religious ceremonies. Christ as healer and Christ as priest are both honoured with this gift.

Myrrh, a resin and an oil used for anointing are given in foretelling of our Saviour's death and resurrection.

That the Magi, unnumbered in Matthew's account, would choose these gifts to a baby is both remarkable and prophetic.  My epiphany on the Feast of the Epiphany.

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