Friday, April 15, 2011

In Harmony

Today we had a rehearsal for the upcoming Good Friday Service. The family choir practice consisted of two families per see and a group individuals from Vietnam who are learning and living together here.

Because this is a Good Friday service everything will be a capela - that is no instruments allowed. The music the choir created was beautiful.

As the group became more comfortable with each other the time for experimentation had arrived. The leader of the choir choose to add some harmony to the vocal performance. One of the Vietnamese stepped forward to join her and the music they made together was heaven sent.

At the end of practice the two introduced themselves. It was obvious very quickly that a language barrier made the true exchange of ideas a challenge. However, this made their incredible harmony even more amazing.

To me, the language of music is a mystery, but this evening, it was demonstrated very clearly that the language of music has the ability to transcend the usual barriers of spoken communication. I wonder how often God speaks to us in ways that we do not comprehend, but when we do things in concert with Him, many wonders occur.

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