Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mother's Pride

In this household we love Hallowe'en.  My middle daughter is also a fan of this day, so one afternoon I strategically tucked a variety of fake but realistic looking body parts into nooks and crannies in her bedroom. An arm dangling on the side of the bed, a leg emerging from a dresser drawer, well place brains...

That supper she commented that she loved what I did in her room.

When my younger daughter, in an Eeyore style gloom, responded, "Nobody loves me," a flash crossed the eyes of my other children at the table.  The moment my youngest left the house, the remaining children dashed to the boxes of decorations to assemble a treat for their sister.

I was out when my youngest discovered the horrors that awaited her, but when I returned she was quick to tell me that she hates Hallowe'en and that she had run screaming from her room.  Delighted, this caring parent responded, "But did you feel loved?"

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