Sunday, October 30, 2011

Safety First

In this part of the world, October 31 is Hallowe'en, an evening during which children go from door to door collecting candy after entreating "Trick or Treat".  Because much of this activity occurs during the dark and annually the news reports strange and dangerous findings in the occasional loot bag, Hallowe'en is also a time for special safety precautions.

The lesson of our Children's Liturgy this morning was 'obedience'.  We talked about who we should obey: parents, teachers, God. When the lesson was complete I reminded our children to be particularly obedient to their parent's rules for safety on Hallowe'en.

Later this day, I was teaching backward skating.  This is again an activity with safety precautions "always watch behind you".  Once again, I took the opportunity to add Hallowe'en safety tips to the lesson.

Lessons of safety passed on. I wish all of our children a happy and safe Hallowe'en.

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