Sunday, April 8, 2012

At Rest

"Have you heard of any one going Home?" was the question. A simple one to which my response was 'no', but soon these words turned into a humbling experience.

Not long after - moments really, I learned that indeed someone had returned Home. But the name was not familiar to me.  When I got home I quickly emailed my friend what I had learned.  To my delight, I got the name right.

Shortly there after, he came to me.  Hockey stick in hand, 'at rest' but not. He was 'bouncing off the walls' of heaven. With innocent excitement he pronounced words of awe. Heaven is a place of 'awesome coolness'.

"I can't wait for my family to see this." he said, bringing tears to my cheeks and huge lump in my throat. Eagerly, he awaits a time when he can share the light of His love with those he left behind on earth. "You really otta see this."

 Heaven is real.  It is not an empty promise but a reality. The boy does not want people to fear heaven but to rejoice in it. He does not want people to be sad but to recognize his rebirth to a new life. Celebrate the life that was, delight in the life that now is.


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