Sunday, April 1, 2012

Passionate about the Passion

We began our Mass with children joining in the procession waking and waving their palms.

When we settled, one of our little friends couldn't wait to tell us about the Passion of Christ.  I humbly submit that he retold the tale better than St. Mark!  His attention to details and animation were Oscar worthy. Then another little friend told us that Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as a symbol that he came in peace, had He ridden a horse it would have meant war.

The  young man who proclaimed the First Reading did so with such meaning and clarity, it was as though I was hearing those words for the first time.  Wither it was his voice or his intonation or the way he place emphasis on certain parts - it was beautiful soul food!

As he finished a guest appeared in our doorway. She led the children outdoors, into a blowing late season snowfall to meet Daisy, a donkey dressed for Passion Sunday.
The children LOVED the experience.  They touched the donkey and fed him apples and carrots.  The group who accompanied the donkey encouraged our children to sing along with them. The parents who were there were amazed by the whole thing.

When we returned, we read the Gospel.  The children then compared the peaceful donkey and Christ's peaceful entry into Jerusalem with the violent events that followed. I couldn't have imagined anything more powerful. Our children are so insightful!!

This evening I got a call at home from a parent whose children are still talking about the donkey!   The magic is spreading.

I do not know how to say thank you enough for this experience.  This was a huge gift of faith to all of us.

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