Monday, August 27, 2012

Farewell Dear Friend

And only Fare Well.  For tonight was not about good-bye.

Tonight I attended a farewell dinner for a friend. This was his evening, his chance to be recognized, appreciated and celebrated.

With over 230 people in attendance a fine feast was shared, speeches celebrating the inspiration that he has been to us were made and finally he had the opportunity to reflect upon his time with us.

I am most proud of the work of many hands who helped to prepared this evening. The ladies who organized the preparation and service of wonderful food. The team who decorated the hall. The men who poured the wine. The youth who monitored the door, poured water, distributed juice, served food, and cleaned up.  The people who spoke words of remembrance and words of praise. And the many behind the scenes who came together to create an evening to remember.

My Dear Friend, you will not be forgotten, you will be missed and always your gifts shared will be celebrated and shared again.

Thank You.

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