Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Struggle

There are times in every life when one questions that which one has always known and that which has always been.

Today I took time to 'confess' my questions to a good friend. 

While my relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit remain unfailingly strong, it is my connection, my belonging to the Catholic faith that I question.

As Catholics, can we pick a choose what we believe?  If I believe in the tenants of my faith, but not the man-made rules, am I wrong.  Should I continue in service, if I do not fully believe in those man-made rules?

Scripture for this week offers the story of Christ calling Jewish leaders hypocrites because they follow man-made rules, but not the rules of God.

I believe that God's rules live in me and through me. I love God, Jesus and Spirit and through love I try to find God in everyone. While I am human and thus imperfect, I know my God values my imperfections and these are the places for me to grow, with His guidance.

However, there are many rules made by men and maintained by men that cause me to struggle.
Can I remain Catholic and call myself faithful in light of this struggle? or is Christ calling me to leave and seek Him through another doctrine?

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