Sunday, October 27, 2013

Found, Lost and Rewarded

I learned today that we lost a friend.
Each Sunday, as I entered our place of worship, I could count on my special greeting, "Hi Sweetie!".  It came from one of our street people, who each Sunday posted himself by the stairs of my spiritual home, dispensing greetings and receiving coins from those who knew him. 

This spring he was proud to show me a photo of his grandson, whom he had only recently met. A man who had been lost had been found by his family. A man who was once nameless and homeless, now found a  home as part of our Parish family.

Just weeks ago the children prepared and delivered a special gift for him.

This man whose living example was a gift to us has returned Home, receiving his reward.

Thank you Lord for the gift of Lee.  He will remain forever in our hearts. 

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