Friday, January 14, 2011

Decision Time

525,600 minutes.
That's it, each year that is all we get.
Each day we are blessed with only 1440 minutes.

Why are these numbers to important to me?

Because I wasted about 30 of them today.

You see, a few days ago I attended a meeting that did not go well for me. In short, a chasm of misunderstanding lead to an attack of sorts on the work that I had done, consequently feeling like a personal assault.

When I awoke this morning, this meeting haunted me. The words and actions of a certain person seemed particularly bothersome. The more I thought about the meeting, the more angry I became. My anger was set to cast a pall over this sunny day.

Instead, it occurred to me that I had a decision to make. I could continue to ruminate, get even angrier and waste a day in this destructive emotion, or I could use the time that I do have for productive purposes.

As the sun's gentle morning rays warmed my heart, my anger dissipated. I chose my mood and used my remaining minutes of this day in service to the loving God who gave these these precious moments.

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