Tuesday, January 18, 2011


After being called to the front of the Church our children were asked to list other names for Jesus. "Son of God, Lamb of God, etc." were the responses. Then from the congregation a woman said "Emmanuel".

Our pastor acknowledged her and urged her to repeat this response, which she did. He then dismissed our children and they left the Church proper for our Sacred Space reserved for Liturgy of the Word with Children.

As is often the occurrence, our children were asked to recall what they had been asked by our pastor. The children happily recalled the many names that they had issued. Then one child said, "I know, it's the 'm' word".. Majesty? Messiah? Mighty One? None of these responses suited this child's preference. So I asked, "Do you mean Emmanuel?"

"Yes" said our friend with glee. This week I learned that not all 'm' words start with 'm'.

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