Friday, December 30, 2011


Our son and our daughter have sibling birds. While we do not know the sex of these birds, nor do we know which bird was born on January 26 and which on January 27 - these siblings demonstrate to us characteristics that I would ascribe to male/ female and older/younger.

Zooey belongs to my son. We call her female - we assume she is older. She is 'refined'. She carefully preens her feathers, love to take baths and has a 'bossy' personality. She is cautious and shy in new situations.

Tiki, belongs to my daughter. He is such a 'boy'. Bathing is only done under extreme circumstances and only when he can make a mess. He eats food laying on his back and drips grape juice or seed cases all over himself. He is bold and ready for adventure.

These sibling teach us a great deal about ourselves.  While so often when two people look alike and have been raised by the same family we expect them to be the same. As with Tiki and Zooey, sometimes this is farthest from the truth.

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