Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Other Sermon

Today is Christmas Eve and for me, it is the most wonderful night of the year.
For weeks we prepare with children and families to present the story of Christ's birth to our parish. 
Following the presentation our wonderful parish priest spoke with the children about the experience. I sat among the children, my husband in the sanctuary because he was helping with Mass and my own children sat in the pews. 
It would seem that my husband was displeased with the distracted behaviour of our children. At dinner this is what they told us:
There was a little voice some rows behind my children - a child in the pews, who offered her own wise responses to the Christmas Homily queries. 

When the priest asked about what we were celebrating she answered 'SNOW!" (multiple times) .  When talking about celebrating and food she was very enthusiastic about "MEATBALLS" and "Pizza".  Apparently she answered all queries in her own unique way.  My children said her Homily was the funniest.

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