Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another One Spreads Her Wings

I have five children.

My fourth child moved to residence at University for the first time today.

While with each transition of a child to post-secondary education I have cried, today was ever more difficult. She is still living in this community.  She is a ten minute drive or thirty minute walk from our home. The difficulty is that she is not living at home. She is just out of reach.

I have difficulty with transitions.  It is human to want everything to remain the same.

But it is God's will that each day presents itself with its challenges, joys and moments of peace.  He wants us all to have the riches that come with these experiences.  As I feel those emotions with tears and with pain, I know that all is, as it should be, exactly as my God has laid it out for me.

It is with gratitude to my Creator that I shed tears for this gift.

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