Thursday, December 27, 2012


 What is not to love?

He purrs almost constantly. He loves to cuddle. He loves to play. He is curious. He is cute.

And after a couple hours of activity - like any baby he needs his naps. 

Like I said...what's not to love?

Friday, December 21, 2012

We're Still Here

The morning began with a reminder alarm on our cell phone.

Our daughter, had programmed a special message.  Today is December 21, 2012, the date, according to the Mayan calendar that this world will come to an end.  The message simply read, "We're dead."

Sorry, sweetie, as this day draws to an end my return message to you is "I'm still here, I'm still alive."

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Elvis was in the Building - Again

This evening, at a special skating event, I was privileged to watch Elvis take to the ice again.  Some twenty years ago, I watched him compete for his first time at the national level on this very surface.

Joining him tonight were other skating legends: Kurt, Jeff, Pat, Joannie and my favourites, two of my daughters and the little children I teach skating to. What a treat!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Little Dude?

One of my skaters became a big sister today.  She is usually very chatty, and today was no exception.

The baby is her step-brother. When I asked the baby's name, the child replied, "Dude.". Confused, I repeated the question and bend closer to hear the response.

"Dude?" I replied.

"Yes" said my friend.

After skating I asked the little girls biological mom to confirm the name of the baby. 

"Oh, baby Jude, you mean."

Sunday, December 9, 2012


My oldest daughter has been hinting that she wants a kitten for Christmas.  What better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior than with the gift of a new, young life.

Shhh...this is the first photo of the little guy we will adopt for her.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


We took my daughter and two friends to a concert this evening.We took the subway into the city and then walked to the concert venue.As crowds filed through the tunnels and along the sidewalks, a little voice was heard,

"Mom, if you want to know where Justin Bieber is, just follow the girls."

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby Love

My niece gave birth to a little girl this morning.  The news of her birth brought joy to everyone in this house.

When my daughter and I went to visit, I was startled that the baby was not with my niece and even more surprised when my niece revealed that she had not seen the baby since her birth.

Once I returned home, my nephew called to say that the doctor had just spoken to them.  Baby Milana has been diagnosed with down syndrome. My daughters and I quickly re-formulated our dreams and decided that we would take our new friend to the special Olympics, in skating of course.

However, when we visited the baby we quickly discovered our new niece/cousin is a very sick little baby.
Prayers, please.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I love doing dishes.

The sound and feeling of flowing water.
The clean scent of dishwashing liquid.
The gratitude for the ability to wash.
The appreciation for a meal well prepared and enjoyed. 
The satisfaction of a job well done. 

I am sure that when I get to heaven there will be no dishes to do.  With this surity, I must enjoy this task whenever I can, while I can.

Thank you God!

Monday, November 5, 2012

How Did That Go Again?

My daughter told me that today, a classmate received her tattered test results in a plastic bag.

The teacher's explanation, "My dog ate your homework."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How to Love your Neighbour

Today my little friends and I talked about Jesus' commandments: Love God and Love your Neighbour. 

When asked, "How to you show that you love your neighbour?"  One of our wise little ones responded,  "You don't have parties that start at 10 o'clock at night."

Now that is true love for neighbour - and neighbourhood.

And What Did He Say?

This Sunday, prepared with fore knowledge of our planned discussion, the pastor led our children with questions about Jesus' two most important commandments. The children responded well.

Before we began our liturgy, the children and I took a moment to reflect on what was said by the pastor. When I asked, "So what did our priest say Jesus wants us to do?", a little friend replied, "To focus."

I had to 'high-five" him for that!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Memories

For the first time in twenty-five years no trick-or-treaters venture from our house on Halloween.This is a photo of my youngest some 15 years ago.
Time flies.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What a Start

This evening the first of the little ones to darken our door was the three year old grandson of neighbours.  He and this five year old brother were fascinated by our eerie decorations.

As the older brother dutifully listened to his grandparents and attempted a graceful departure the little one remained.  Trying to help out his waiting famliy, I suggested,  "I guess it is time to go, mommy and daddy are waiting for you."

My new little friend, very matter-of-factly replied, "My daddy is not here. He is in heaven."  Tears were almost immediately at the ready, when I heard big brother respond, "Yeah, he is with our dog. Our dog is in heaven.  Come on we gotta go!"

The resilience of children!  Happy Haunting my friends.

Monday, October 29, 2012

With Frosted Breath

I would love a chance for the people in the pews to hear the wisdom of our children. 

When we talked about the gift of sight on this frosty morning, one wise child reflected that on these mornings he knows he is really alive. So I asked "why?".

"Because I can see my life - I can see me breathing" was his response.

Imagine...the gift of sight to see our breath on an icy morning and the gift of insight to recognize God's love visibly pouring into us, and pouring out of us.

Christmas Zombies

Today, during Liturgy of the Word with children, I asked some of the parents if they had any suggestions for our Christmas Eve Mass.  Happily, my request was met with many offers of help.

Two of our little boys over heard some of the conversation  and decided that for Christmas, the children should be zombies.  They would dress in angel outfits, paint their faces to look like they were dirty and instead of 'angel hands' (a prayer posture) they would process with arms outstretched. I will admit, the idea was growing on me.

Later, as Mass ended our priest said his final blessing, but the response was exceptionally weak.  My daughter turned to me saying, "I think the zombies are here already."

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Risk or Risk Not?

"You may avoid suffering and sorrow if you don't risk, but you simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing and has nothing. Only a person who risks is free."

Bob Proctor
Author and Speaker

 How often do we refrain from asking?  Do we not try?  Do we not dream? Do we not dare? We were not put on this earth to walk a journey of fear. Our God gently encourages us to dare. He wants us to risk. He wants us to try. 

It is in this opportunity that we grow and find His love in great abundance. 

The next time that life presents you with a challenge - Will you take the risk? Will you enjoy the reward? 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ministry of Bullying

Ever have a situation occur when you hear and or see something and afterwards you wish you would have reacted differently?

As many may know, I am an active Catholic. I love my God. I love the people of my parish. I have actively tried to live the faith of the Post Vatican II Church; an evangelistic faith.

Today, I was caught in a situation where the new parish priest said some harsh words to me, in the presence of others.  I reacted, as many would, in stunned silence.  In retrospect, I wish I had been quicker on feet. I wish I could have called attention to the harshness and called out the parish bully.

Having been raised in this century, one during which women gained the right to vote and the right to equal pay for equal work, I feel that we are all equal.  I know that under our skins we each have beating hearts and red blood coursing through our veins.  I know that once our skin is peeled away, it is hard to distinguish race, economic status or creed. However, in the present of our parish bully, I have been lead to believe that by being female, I am inferior. I have been made to feel that my opinions and my work are not to be valued.

Christ welcomed the outcast. Christ cheered for the underdog.  He walked with women, children, tax collectors and lepers. Christ walks with me. I know that in His Church I am welcome.  I am His Church.

My church does not have a Ministry of Bullying. Help me to stand  up to the men who preside weekly in the sanctuary and profess to be men of God while failing to see each of us as equal. Speak up with your story and let's put an end to the Ministry of Bullying.

One in Every Crowd

His costume must have shrunk in the wash.

Super Heros

I was invited to a superhero party today.  It was a blessing to be in the company of so many who have made it part of their life's work to look out for others.
 The Hulk
 The Green Lantern
 Captain America
Imagine what this world could be like if we all became superheros for one another?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


His Excellency Brian Dunn, Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish, addressed the Synod in Rome with these remarks.
It is my hope for all Catholics that these remarks ignite the Spirit in those who heard them and those who read these comments.  Ours is Church built on a rich tradition that includes the work of Vatican II. 
I pray that this vision of our Church soon finds its way to reality.
Thank you Bishop Dunn.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dare to Be Scared

I love Hallowe'en.

I love to decorate with scary and not-so-scary creatures both inside and outside.  I love to bake ghoulish delights and to serve frightening snacks to unsuspecting guests.
Tonight, some of my husbands friends gathered for:
Spinach Dip Cauldron on a Fire
Rest In Peace Cheese Dip Tombstone and Crackers

Brains (shrimp in seafood sauce)
Won't you come and be my victim too?

Monday, October 15, 2012


...but not out.

Into every life a little rain must fall.  However, its seems that lately the rain won't stop.

I have been experiencing my own sort of crisis in faith.  Changes in our parish have been a constant over the past couple months.

Because I am curious, I count the people in the pews. Where once we hosted 250 at a Mass we are now seeing about 100 - 150. This results in a decreased income. Calls for assistance are going unanswered. Mass sometimes feels like a mini-post apocalyptic scenario. The choir is fighting with the organ.  People sternly glare at misbehaved children. Faces are down cast.

Or is this all just perception. Life is, as we perceive it.

If I think there is a decline in attendance,  I will count a decline.  If I think income is down, I will look at the numbers and perceive a decrease. If I perceive discord, I will see discord.

Perhaps I need to return with the eyes of faith, seeing the challenges set forth by our Lord, embracing these changes and finding the ways that the Spirit is at work in our faith community.

If I perceive it, it will come.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I met a lady tonight whose knowledge and insights have given me renewed hope.

I am grateful to her for reigniting the flame of faith with her sharing.
I am grateful to God for bringing her to me. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

With Gratitude

In this area of the world, we use this day to take time to appreciate all that we have in a celebration called Thanksgiving.

Thank you to
God, Jesus and Spirit, for the gifts of all of creation, love, hope, joy and peace.
My husband, for his love and steadfast caring for me and our family.
My children, for the many joys that you bring to each day.
My extended family, who joyfully share their love and caring.
My skating family, who sometimes are more like family than the people I am actually related to.
My parish family, whose faith and continuing sharing of a love for God is a constant source of inspiration.
My good friends, who are always there for me, any day, any time and mood.
My feathered and furry friends, the ones who live within these wall and outside, you are part of God's gift and a source of unconditional love.
All of nature, for warmth on a sunny day, glorious healing rain, trees that offer shade, flower that fill the world with colour, fruits and vegetables to feed the body and beauty to feed the soul.

For life, death and all of moments in between - sources of joy, sadness, love, fear, tears, smiles, quiet-times, crazy busy times...

i am grateful for it all.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tribute to Niels Bohr

Happy Birthday to Niels Bohr!
A physicist who made great contributions to our understanding of how atoms work and who gave us the diagram that bears his name The Bohr Model, he began his earthy journey 127 years ago. 

When this news reached my young scientist daughters plans were quickly hatched to celebrate this esteemed man of science. How else to celebrate but with cheesecake proudly adorned with the model of an atom.

This special blend of science and sweetness was created in a warm kitchen filled with laughter amid chemistry jokes including

Q: Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium the healing elements? 
A: Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!

Q: Anyone know any jokes about sodium? 
A: Na

Two atoms are walking down the street. One atom says to the other, "Hey! I think I lost an electron!" The other says, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm positive!"


Yes, science does have a lighter side.

Why I Need a Little Sister

I learned today the importance of siblings.

One little friend had recently asked his mother for a new baby. He reasoning, "Because my big sister is too big to tease."

And they say honesty is the best policy!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Celebrate St. Francis!

Happy Feast Day of St. Francis!
Known for his love of the environment, it seems fitting that during these glorious autumn days (that display the best of Mother Nature), we would celebrate this beloved Saint.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Looking for Slang

In preparation for a presentation tomorrow I emailed (in the subject line : looking for slang)  a community partner asking:

I am looking for street names of various local popular drugs – do you know any that you can share?

My community partner responded:

I checked the city website and couldn’t find much.  The only semblance I found were alcohol related – Cognac Crt, Merlot Crt, cigarette related – Marlborough st, and High St in Levack.

Next time, I will try to be more clear. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

In 1984

It was March 1984, when I was privileged to be introduced to a wonderful older lady whose gentle grace lefts its lasting mark with me.

Although, I can no longer recall how it was that I had been invited to attend a special reception in this lady's honour, I know it had to do with the family connections of a university friend. Despite the room filled with people, this great athlete took time to meet and greet each person.  I remember her smile, when her eyes first met mine.  I recall fondly our brief conversation, during which I had mentally planned to 'gush' about my admiration of her accomplishments, that turned instead to her interest in me.  She inquired about my link to her favourite sport and encouraged me to continue to share my passion. 

Many years later, I met her again.  Once more, she focused on those people in  her presence, driving attention away from her standing in the world of sports. Hers was a spirit and passion for others that cannot be forgotten.

Barbara Ann Scott won Canada's only Olympic gold medal in women's figure skating in 1948 in St. Moritz, Switzerland.  A lifetime spent receiving honours for this achievement did not seem to change her.  While she happily recalled this accomplishment, her focus was always on the future and on those around her.

Thank you Barbara Ann for a wonderful example of a life well lived.

Farewell Sweet Lady.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Mushrooms again.

In ths season they are popping up everywhere. The tiny upshoots of a hidden network of mycelium, each mushroom in this image is connected.

We are also connected.  To each other, to the universe, to God.
Like these mushrooms are borne of an unseen force, we too are part of an unseen force that links us all together.

You, me, person next door, even people on the other side of this world - we are all one in God's family. No matter the colour of our eyes, gender, or race, beneath the skin of each of us lies a heart that belongs to the Creator.

Seek the heart of God that beats in everyone you interact with.  Recognise God and treat everyone with dignity because that person is God himself, here to great you.


Today is Michaelmas, or the feast of the Archangel Michael.  Fittingly the Michaelmas daisies are set to bloom.
St. Michael, known as the protector, is called upon to help in times of need. Pray with me to this archangel, today and everyday for the protection of our Catholic faith and all of the faithful.

Tangled Garden

As summer fades and the demands of 'regular life' limit time to tend the garden, weeds take over, flower heads go to seed and excess foliage blocks the autumn blooms.

For some, the tangled remains in a fall garden is a reflection of the tangled remains of a faith neglected. Distracted by the demands of twenty-first century life, many people fail to nurture the Spirit.

But, with a little time, well spent with God, He will respond to prayers and restore the garden our your soul.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


There are times when what was once considered stable, begins to feel like it is slipping away.

The faith community that I am part of has recently experienced a change in leadership.

In the past weeks, I have noted a decline in attendance and a decline in funds collected. While this is sad, we need to acknowledge that change is inevitable. People will come and go.  This could be a mere coincidence and not a sign of things to come.

However, should this trend continue in a downward slide, the result might be a bigger and more devastating change - the closure of a well-love and historical worship site. Considering the age of the building, the state of disrepair from neglectful leadership in the past and the costs to make these much needed repairs, could it be that this change in leadership was deliberate, with the intent of seeing our doors close forever?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rock On

I love rocks.

Where I live the rocks are old, existing millions of years.

Warmed by sun, cooled by ice and snow, worn by weather and yet, like my God they are still here.

Imagine, if these rocks could talk what stories they could tell of the journeys that have crossed over them.

And again, like my God, they are ever present, peaceful and comforting.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I had dinner today with my daughter, her boyfriend and my son.   We were celebrating a milestone birthday.

At one point the conversation turned to the the multitude of educational pursuit around the table.  Happily, recognizing my unending love of learning, I too was invited to share my views about the classes that I am enrolled in.

It felt great to be part of the privileged few in our society who can learn and expand the horizons of their universe.

Thank you Creator for the gift of a curious mind and the means to satisfy that curiosity.

Coffee Break

Today I listened to some music from the soundtrack of the musical "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying".

The words of the tune "Coffee Break" stuck with me.

"If I can't take my coffee break, 
Something within me dies. 
Lies down and something within me dies. " 

These words drew me into an endless query of the needs of our society for a quick fix.  That caffeine would provoke such desperation is a sign of our times. 

Used to relieve fatigue, to celebrate, to grieve, or as friend to break the daily routine, the casual cup of coffee has been replaced with a latte, expresso, cappuccino or macchiatto. 

To watch the morning crowd at a local coffee shop one can quickly draw conclusions about the truth in these lyrics.  The reality however, is likely the opposite - without the caffeine fix perhaps we would learn to live more fully. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


After six months away, a pair of siblings returned to the ice today.

As anyone with children will attest, young ones can grow a lot over the summer.

Noting that little brother had grown considerably taller than when i last taught him, I commented about this to his sister.

She replied, "No he is not taller, it is his helmet.  He has a big head."

Monday, September 17, 2012

To Help or Not to Help

Today was the first day of a new year of skating.

Among the six friends who came to skate with me today, I had a new friend.

New to skating, I took some time to show her dad how to tie her skates properly.

It is said that the hardest part of skating is the fall. I think the hardest part is getting up.

Within moments of standing on the ice, my new friend fell. I swooped in and demonstrated how to get up. She struggled. The ice was slippery under her skate blades and she was new to the feeling.

Eventually she 'found her feet' moved forward with a few tentative steps and then fell again. Again, I coached and coaxed and she rose to her feet. However, it was not long before she decided that she should lean on me to get up. I discouraged this and stood a distance away to encourage her to get up. I celebrated her successes each time she rose to her feet unaided.

About 30 minutes later, all 6 of my skaters were skating around a circle when this new friend fell again. Not wanting her to be 'in the way' I skated over to pick her up.  She stopped me saying, "No you are too close, I can't get up when you are too close." So I backed away and up she rose.

Congrats my friend, you learned two very important lessons today!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This morning, as with every Sunday morning, our little friends share their prayer intentions.

First to raise his hand, a little one asked to pray for Fr. Tony, our former pastor.
I extended the prayer to include our current pastors and all the ordained of our diocese who will be on retreat this week.

In a quiet little voice, I heard my friend respond, "No, just Fr. Tony."

Yes, we are still mourning.  We need time to adjust to the changes. We need time to remember.

As adults we can rationalize these things. It is harder to explain to a child why such change happens.

One this is certain, my little friend, while change is constant, God's love for each one of us remains strong. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Judge Not

My God does not judge. Who am I to judge others?

The Father to us all, sees us as his children.  Our Parent, amused by our failings, encouraged by our attempts and infinite in His love.

Surely this loving God does not want me to judge.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Living but Maybe not Learning

 Meet Hanzi. 
He is one of my feathered friends.  He entered our family first as my mother's pet and now resides with us.  His first years were very quiet.  He sat, ate and sat again. Rarely did he fly.  Never did he get into mischief. 

This is Hanzi's handiwork.  He is steadily chewing at the perch of the swing that he prefers to rest upon.  Clearly he did not learn from the first perch that he chewed through.

While the saying goes 'live and learn', when this perch breaks - will he learn?

Sunday, September 9, 2012


As days grow shorter, nights are cooler and refreshing rains quench the summer-parched soil, creation displays yet another mystery. 
 Popular vocabulary often speaks of the mushroom in terms that indicate rapid and sudden growth. The truth is that these delicate beauties of nature may have been 'in the works' for years.

 Just below the surface lies a series of delicate root-like structures called mycelium .  While the exact mechanism is unknown, it is believed that when the mycelium is stressed, it sends its fruit to the surface to release spores in hope of continuing life.

I am constantly amazed by the rapid proliferation of fungi.  But, more amazing is the life cycle of this humble part of nature. To think that the same creator who put so much thought and effort into these unique delights, put even more effort into my creation and the gifts of those around me.

I am humbled.

From Beneath

A summer cosmos in midday sun, from beneath.

Too often we see things from only our point of view.  How often do you take the time to examine an issue, a thought or an object from another direction?

While this purple bloom with its cheery yellow center presents itself as beautiful compliment to my garden, it is its the underside, lit by the brilliant sun that shows the depth of creation in the gentle veins and contrasting shadows.

By limiting ourselves to a narrow, singled sided view point we are missing some of the many gifts that God gives to us.

Take time to see things with the eyes of wisdom, that can see from many sides and gain a greater appreciation for all that we have.

Harvest Time

When I think of all of the things that grow in my garden, the vegetable that I love to harvest is the potato.

In the spring I take a potato and put it in the ground. A little water, sun and TLC, and with the loving coaxing of God's hand, a little sprout appears like magic.

The abundant green and pretty white flowers above ground conceal the mystery beneath.  Only God knows the number and size of the produce below.

It seems to me, that potatoes from my garden taste just a little better than those bought at the market.

A little magic, a little mystery and a wonderful addition to any meal.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A New Friend

I was at the dentist's today.

Having finished with my cleaning I was in the waiting room while my daughter's check-up as completed. There also sat a young mom with two small children.

Naturally I commented on the gorgeous baby and sweet little girl. Then I thought I should turn my attention to the book in my hand.

The little one, however, had other plans.  She pointed to the painting behind me and 'quacked'.  The mother responded positively, agreeing that the image was that of a duck and that the duck said "quack."  Then little one put her hand on my leg, pointed to the duck and 'quacked' again. To me this was a clear invitation to put my book away and engage in conversation.
 The little one was 18 months old. We thumbed through a picture book and talked about the images.  We looked at things around the room and named them.  We looked a colours and numbers.

Then my daughter appeared.

"Of course YOU would be with a child."

She turned to the mother and stated, "My mother loves children. She'll do anything to be with them.  I am sure she would have had more children. I am her fifth."

Then back to me,

"Come on mom, leave the little girl alone. It's time to go."

Dutifully, I followed, giggling at her swift and accurate assessment.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Tribute

They came.  Slowly at first, like early patrons to the theatre, a few took their places and then a few more.   The quiet din rose ever so slightly as more appeared.
With song, the initial acts encouraged more to enter. Spoken words of greeting and introduction met their ears.
By the time the main speaker took the stage a crowd had amassed. In reverent silence they listen to words from ancient texts.  As the speaker turned to his notes of reflection, the energy in the crowd was ripe with anticipation. Some knew the message to come and waited for the reaction.  Others waited for words to carry them to the next adventure. 
Slowly, assuredly his spoken words of inspiration filled the room.  As though beckoned by his voice, more joined the still audience.  His words poetically reflected on initial meetings, times spent together, plans made and plans completed.  He took time to remember the contributions of the many.  Then in honour of vows made, he spoke of the special milestones; moments of life, growth, celebration, despair and death.  As he recognized them, in turn they honoured him. 
They had come from all over.  They had come from ages past and more recent passings.  They were young. They were old.  Their numbers were great.  Al, Augusta, Fern, Celia, Evelyn, Victor, Vera, John, Edith, Mae, Ron, Joe, John, Liam, Rose, Vina, Alvin, Stephen, Irene, Virginia, Edgar, Philip, Roman, Nick, Elizabeth, Betty, Cristina, and more, attended in tribute to lives touch, and forever transformed by the gift present and speaking within those hallowed walls. 
All were very pleased.  They spoke with admiration.  They expressed gratitude and offered blessings. They reflected their love and the love of their God towards those present, but most especially towards their pastor.  Their conjoined energy was dazzlingly filled with light and love.
When his reflection was complete and the traditions continued they joined in angel song, praising and celebrating a gift well given.
Then, their tribute complete, they returned home, filled with gratitude and having filled the space with their love and faith.
Live long, live in His blessing, live in His love. Share His peace.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another One Spreads Her Wings

I have five children.

My fourth child moved to residence at University for the first time today.

While with each transition of a child to post-secondary education I have cried, today was ever more difficult. She is still living in this community.  She is a ten minute drive or thirty minute walk from our home. The difficulty is that she is not living at home. She is just out of reach.

I have difficulty with transitions.  It is human to want everything to remain the same.

But it is God's will that each day presents itself with its challenges, joys and moments of peace.  He wants us all to have the riches that come with these experiences.  As I feel those emotions with tears and with pain, I know that all is, as it should be, exactly as my God has laid it out for me.

It is with gratitude to my Creator that I shed tears for this gift.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Struggle

There are times in every life when one questions that which one has always known and that which has always been.

Today I took time to 'confess' my questions to a good friend. 

While my relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit remain unfailingly strong, it is my connection, my belonging to the Catholic faith that I question.

As Catholics, can we pick a choose what we believe?  If I believe in the tenants of my faith, but not the man-made rules, am I wrong.  Should I continue in service, if I do not fully believe in those man-made rules?

Scripture for this week offers the story of Christ calling Jewish leaders hypocrites because they follow man-made rules, but not the rules of God.

I believe that God's rules live in me and through me. I love God, Jesus and Spirit and through love I try to find God in everyone. While I am human and thus imperfect, I know my God values my imperfections and these are the places for me to grow, with His guidance.

However, there are many rules made by men and maintained by men that cause me to struggle.
Can I remain Catholic and call myself faithful in light of this struggle? or is Christ calling me to leave and seek Him through another doctrine?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Farewell Dear Friend

And only Fare Well.  For tonight was not about good-bye.

Tonight I attended a farewell dinner for a friend. This was his evening, his chance to be recognized, appreciated and celebrated.

With over 230 people in attendance a fine feast was shared, speeches celebrating the inspiration that he has been to us were made and finally he had the opportunity to reflect upon his time with us.

I am most proud of the work of many hands who helped to prepared this evening. The ladies who organized the preparation and service of wonderful food. The team who decorated the hall. The men who poured the wine. The youth who monitored the door, poured water, distributed juice, served food, and cleaned up.  The people who spoke words of remembrance and words of praise. And the many behind the scenes who came together to create an evening to remember.

My Dear Friend, you will not be forgotten, you will be missed and always your gifts shared will be celebrated and shared again.

Thank You.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

To Do or Not to Do

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
George Bernard Shaw
1856-1950, Playwright

These words bring me back to our relationship with our Lord. With each mistake the we make, we learn more about the infinite love that He offers to us.  God forgives and makes our path anew, so that we can continue, as we should.  This lesson is so much more wonderful than if we had done nothing.

Catch and Release

Having spent a lifetime believing that the saying, "He couldn't hurt a fly" was an exageration, I learned something today.

My daughter learn how to make a live trap for fruit-flies.  Attracted by the smell of fruit at the bottom of the jar, flies climb in, but, because the bottom of the role of paper is so small, flies become trapped.

When she has a number of flies trapped, she takes the jar outside and releases them.

No fruit flies were killed in this operation.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In Pink

This weekend, at our place on the lake, I was brushing herb-infused olive oil on naan bread, which I would then bake for a delicious treat. Marlee, my three year old friend came into the kitchen and asked what I was doing.  So I gave her the brush and asked her to 'paint' the bread for me. 

After carefully spreading the fragrant oil, she held up the brush to me and asked, "Do you have this in pink?"


This is an image of a very dear friend.

Now, I can say 'I've seen you naked!"

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sweet Treat

A colleague has departed our workplace for another career opportunity. His wife provided these caramel-filled chocolate cupcakes in little wineglasses on his last day.  Sweet!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Attempt

My daughter does not like to eat meat.
One evening, when we needed to BBQ sausages for support, she took up the challenge.  These are the results of her first BBQ efforts.

Like many challenges in life our first attempt is the one during which we learn the most. 

Work of Love

Soil, sun, water and a little TLC have paid off with this beautiful little treats. What a gracious God to give us all that we need.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Message in the Grass

Some people find a message in a bottle. Today, I found this on the grass.

Thank you God:
    For this beautiful day,
    For the radiant sun,
    For the lush carpet of grass,
    For my love,
    For my life.

What a fantastic reminder to be grateful every day, in every way.



Found in a hotel washroom. A little fun. A little colour. A little soap dish.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On Faith

"Just as a small fire is extinguished by the storm whereas a large fire is enhanced by it - likewise a weak faith is weakened by predicament and catastrophes whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them."
Viktor E. Frankl
1905-1997, Holocaust Survivor and Author

To understand that the faith of one connects us all to each other, is to know that when tested, the strong will help to carry and will offer strength. 

God is here, just ask. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

I have a large garden.  My tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers are doing well.  However, the first planting of peas and beans lasted only weeks before they became some little creature's dinner.

Ever the optimist, I planted again and was delighted to see little green leaves peak above the ground. My delight was short lived, as these little plants soon became dinner.

So what did I do?  I planted again.

If God thinks I need beans and peas for dinner one day, He will make it so.  If not, there will be more happy little creatures in the neighbourhood.

Insanity? or optimist?

Friday, July 27, 2012


After a week of not getting anything done, because when people see me at my desk they think they can talk to me , I sat down for a quiet afternoon - many people have taken the afternoon off. 

Christ is funny.  He sent not one by two people who - seeing that things were quiet, felt drawn to come and sit and speak to me.

One came to tell me about a dream she had about someone she knew and said that she felt I would know what to do about it. Yes, I advised her to follow her instincts.

The other, came and asked if I would walk with her outside for a couple minutes. Her question, "Do you believe in life after death?"  I was aware that she had miscarried some years ago. A friend of hers told her about "Heaven is for Real" and the part about the little boy meeting his sister. She wanted to know if it was 'Catholic' to believe that her baby would be waiting for her in Heaven.  Reassurance offered. 

No wonder I love Him - he knows the importance of real work on a Friday afternoon.

Now if God would only let me get some work done!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Got it Backwards

Today  our little niece visited.

Supper was ready when the children came out of the lake.  When asked if she would like to join us for supper, she replied, "No thanks, I just finished swimming.  I should wait half an hour."

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dying to Be Me

I am reading a book by Anita Moorjani.

In it she speaks of her near death experience and her rapid recovery from terminal cancer.

While her experience and recovery are truly remarkable, it is her view of the cause of her illness and new found 'way of living' that spoke volumes to me.

Live without fear! Live your life, as you would have it. Be true to yourself.

Imagine if we all lived without the fear of what others would think of us.  If we acted out of love and not fear.

Imagine a world in which people appreciated each other for exactly who we are and not what we want them to be.

Indeed, what a wonderful world this would be.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fun on the Water

Fly over water.
Take on some air.
End up in the drink. 

What a way to spend an afternoon!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Our visit the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was intended to be the beginning of a walking tour.

But in addition to the tour we were blessed with time in the square during the ordination of 12 priests.

A line of priests stretched all the way across the square outside the cathedral as they waited to 'lay hands'.

Rarely in our faith practice are we presented with the opportunity to physically touch another - to share our blessings, to share our love.

This act of laying hands is part of the ordination. Would it be that we could freely lay hands on others in our lives to share in this way.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Waiting at the airport today, I was amused to see this kiosk offering the latest in electronic gadgetry to the traveler. Imagine deciding that at this moment in your journey that you need to replace your phone or pick up a new iPad?

Why do we have the need to 'stay connected' with people who are not with us, while tuning out those who are?

How often does technology of the day drown out the call of our Creator?  What will it take for us to learn that the voice we really need to tune into, does not require a gadget?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When Jesus comes...

There is a sign along one of our highways that reads, `When Jesus comes will you be ready?'

Hmm...I go to church, I pray ( a lot), I believe fiercely.

A big part of my prayer life is an everyday, casual questioning. 'What would Jesus do?', 'What is God calling me to do here?' or 'How can I be the face of Jesus in this situation?'

I sometimes tease, that when I get to Heaven, I will have conditional admittance, pending my ability to curb my continuous questioning.

To the above highway question, my question is, "When I get to heaven, will Jesus be ready?"

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back Up

My daughter's graduation dance was today.

After spending a great deal of time in preparation the day has finally arrived.

Hair done up just so, make-up applied just right, dresses fitted and flowing.

I was invited to join the festivities by way of taking some photos before the formal event. As my daughter and her good friend passed me to stand for their photos, I snapped this.

The look from the back was just as striking as the front.

How often do we stop to admire the great works that our Lord sets before us, from all sides?

Life is three dimensional, some may argue even four dimensional. Yet, we look at this world with eyes trained on what is before us.

Take some time today to look behind.  Great beauty awaits.
It's God's gift to you, if only you take the time.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trinity Explained

Trinity is a rich and complicated concept for most.  But not for our little friends. 

Before we even started one astute little guy suggested that Trinity was the sign of the cross - what a great intro.  During our dialogue Homily we talked about people having more than one identity - two of our friends stood up and demonstrated that they are 'friends', 'hockey players' and 'students'.  So Trinity is the name for God's three identities.  How easy is that? 

When asked to describe Trinity, our friends came up with many great responses but then the Spirit led one new friends, a really young new friend (3 or 4 years old), to take her three bracelets and place them on the floor in a traditional Trinity setting - gotta love how Spirit works!

Then came the fun part - I had made play dough for that morning and asked our friends to sculpt a likeness of the Holy Trinity.

Trinity is really not that complicated.  It can take the shape of three abstract human-esque forms, or three joined hearts, or a triangle with figures on each point, or three joined circles, three crosses, or 'un coccinelle' ( a ladybug - with three spots) - and my favorite - three jelly beans (a remnant of Easter teaching).

Happy Play Time!
and God bless the person who came up with the idea of play dough.