Saturday, June 18, 2011

Room To Grow

I enjoy a very honest relationship with my children.  When they are upset with my behaviour I welcome (?) their critiques.

Today, I learned that there are times when my children feel that I am not there for them. My children are getting older and do not need me to hold their hands. Hearing these words hurt, but prompted me to ask to learn more.

It seems that, being accustomed to mom always being around, to drive them or their friends, to help with homework, clean, cook, listen, offer advise; when mom is not home her absence is felt.

It felt good to know that I was wanted, but also felt like the many things that I do are expected more than appreciated.

I try to be appreciative.  I wonder how often in my life I fail to notice my family, friends, and strangers when they do good.  For all of those times, I am embarrassed to have missed the chance to be grateful.  I am sorry.

To my God, who I likely forget to thank most often for all of the wonderful things in my life: I love you and I am so very appreciative of everything (too much to name) that you have given to me.  How can ever thank you enough?  What can I do to 'be there' for you?

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