Monday, June 27, 2011

And Learning Continues

Each Sunday, I create a colouring page for our little ones.  On one side is an action statement that children are asked to illustrate. On the other, a message to parents and prayer for the week.

When our Liturgy with Children ends, I bring our little friends up the back stairs of our church and, as they head to their parents, I put extra sheets in a special holder at the back entrance of the Church. I recently complained to our pastor that some people interrupt their celebration of Mass to come to the back and pick up colouring pages as I put them out.

This Sunday, as I put my pages in their place, an older gentleman approached asking for a page. I considered admonishing him, but he said, "It is for my wife.  She is disabled and she gets pleasure out of colouring these."

Lesson learned:  You never know what motivates people.  

Following this experience, I am now planning to continue to produce colouring pages over the summer, with this lady's special interests in mind.

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