Saturday, August 27, 2011

Careful What You Say

A couple that we met today shared a common experience with us.  The lady's left foot was in an Aircast, just like my husband's left foot. It is always interesting to see conversations begin from these visible commonalities.

As my husband spoke of what he can not do this summer being hindered by the left foot cast, the gentleman spoke of a young co-worker who often came to work driving  his father's Mustang because the father was laid up and could not drive it.

Later in the afternoon, my son joined us at this family gathering.  As God had planned it, the gentleman that my husband and I were speaking with is a co-worker of my son's.  This new friend was telling us about my son and my husband's car.

Yet, one more time, our dear Lord chose to help us to understand why we must always be careful what we say.

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