Sunday, September 18, 2011

100 Years

It is family tradition to sing 'Happy Birthday' (albeit badly) and follow that with the Polish "Sto Lat" which translates to 100 years. 

Today we celebrated multiple birthdays in our family and extended family. We sang for my daughter, and then for my nephew and then for my brother-in-law whose birthday recently passed.  Then I suggest we sing for my mother-in-law who would have celebrated on Tuesday. 

We sang 'Happy Birthday' and the little ones happily continued with 'Sto Lat', much to the shock and horror of some of the adults.  It would seem that some think it inappropriate to wish 100 years for one who has ended her earthly journey.  Personally, I love the idea of wishing some one 100 years and more (eternity) in our Heavenly home. 

Wishing all the best to all of you!

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