Friday, September 2, 2011

RE Memory

At times, repeated incidences in a day can seem like a pattern.

This morning a co-worker appeared, put his hand on my shoulder and said, I met someone who knows you.  Then he stopped, and said...but I don't remember who it was....I still don't know.

Then I went to Mass.  My dear friend and Pastor stood at the ambo after the Gospel and said, "Most of the time I come prepared with what I want to reflect on in scripture.  Today, I do not remember."

This evening, my daughter was to meet a friend.  The friend's mother forgot about the arrangement and did not come home from work until much later than expected.

It is the human in us that forgets. Our minds are burden by the daily numbness of over-information. But my God never forgets us.  He is never too busy for us.  Can we remember to take the time daily to thank Him for everything that He has done, that He has remembered to do for us?

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