Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Up and Running

Today was the first day back celebrating Liturgy of the Word with Children after a summer break.

What a wonderful treat!  Approximately ten children joined us as we learn the new responses for Liturgy of the Word, learned about the power of prayer, tasted Ugali (a cornmeal  dish that is served in the Horn of Africa) and created a visual reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Horn of Africa.

It was a thrill to be back with our little friends. A little one, who is now almost three years old, was so happy to return to our Sacred Space for Worship that she sat on my lap during our Liturgy, just as she did when she was an infant. Others told me excitedly that they will begin school again or anew soon.  We even met a few new friends.

My time with our children brings me life, brings me joy, brings me love.

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