Friday, September 7, 2012

A New Friend

I was at the dentist's today.

Having finished with my cleaning I was in the waiting room while my daughter's check-up as completed. There also sat a young mom with two small children.

Naturally I commented on the gorgeous baby and sweet little girl. Then I thought I should turn my attention to the book in my hand.

The little one, however, had other plans.  She pointed to the painting behind me and 'quacked'.  The mother responded positively, agreeing that the image was that of a duck and that the duck said "quack."  Then little one put her hand on my leg, pointed to the duck and 'quacked' again. To me this was a clear invitation to put my book away and engage in conversation.
 The little one was 18 months old. We thumbed through a picture book and talked about the images.  We looked at things around the room and named them.  We looked a colours and numbers.

Then my daughter appeared.

"Of course YOU would be with a child."

She turned to the mother and stated, "My mother loves children. She'll do anything to be with them.  I am sure she would have had more children. I am her fifth."

Then back to me,

"Come on mom, leave the little girl alone. It's time to go."

Dutifully, I followed, giggling at her swift and accurate assessment.

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