Monday, September 17, 2012

To Help or Not to Help

Today was the first day of a new year of skating.

Among the six friends who came to skate with me today, I had a new friend.

New to skating, I took some time to show her dad how to tie her skates properly.

It is said that the hardest part of skating is the fall. I think the hardest part is getting up.

Within moments of standing on the ice, my new friend fell. I swooped in and demonstrated how to get up. She struggled. The ice was slippery under her skate blades and she was new to the feeling.

Eventually she 'found her feet' moved forward with a few tentative steps and then fell again. Again, I coached and coaxed and she rose to her feet. However, it was not long before she decided that she should lean on me to get up. I discouraged this and stood a distance away to encourage her to get up. I celebrated her successes each time she rose to her feet unaided.

About 30 minutes later, all 6 of my skaters were skating around a circle when this new friend fell again. Not wanting her to be 'in the way' I skated over to pick her up.  She stopped me saying, "No you are too close, I can't get up when you are too close." So I backed away and up she rose.

Congrats my friend, you learned two very important lessons today!

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