Sunday, September 9, 2012


As days grow shorter, nights are cooler and refreshing rains quench the summer-parched soil, creation displays yet another mystery. 
 Popular vocabulary often speaks of the mushroom in terms that indicate rapid and sudden growth. The truth is that these delicate beauties of nature may have been 'in the works' for years.

 Just below the surface lies a series of delicate root-like structures called mycelium .  While the exact mechanism is unknown, it is believed that when the mycelium is stressed, it sends its fruit to the surface to release spores in hope of continuing life.

I am constantly amazed by the rapid proliferation of fungi.  But, more amazing is the life cycle of this humble part of nature. To think that the same creator who put so much thought and effort into these unique delights, put even more effort into my creation and the gifts of those around me.

I am humbled.

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