Saturday, May 7, 2011

Incredible Compassion

Over the past year I completed a distance education course about Liturgy from St. Francis Xavier University. Through online learning and discussion with classmates across Canada we shared thoughts, ideas, plans and Parish activities. This was a learning experience I would happily recommend to everyone.
It was during my study time in this course that my mother ended her earthly journey.
Although this course came to an end in February, today I received a Mother's Day wish from a classmate. In an act of human compassion, she remembered that this would be my first Mother's Day without the physical presence of my mom. Her words were simple, but heart-felt and truely very appreciated.
I can only hope that one day, I too will remember extend such compassion, such love, to others who have experienced loss.
Thank you Shari, you have made this day so much easier, just knowing that my grief is shared.

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