Friday, May 13, 2011

A Little Perspective

At a gathering to prepare our youth to receive the sacrament of Eucharist for the first time, we asked, "What do we believe in?"

The answers came fast and furious, "We believe in love", "In Peace", "In our parents", "In our teachers". With time and coaxing some children replied, "In God, In Jesus, In the Holy Spirit, In the Virgin Mary, In the Communion of Saints, The Forgiveness of Sins and Life Ever Lasting." These last responses are the tenants of my Faith. As one who teach our faith to little ones, it was disappointing to see parents needing to reference their books to give clues to their children. Parents are the first and most important teachers to our children...what are these parents teaching their children about Roman Catholicism?

On the other hand, our pastor, in his blog focused on those accurate responses and this opportunity to deepen faith.

Its all in the perspective, I suppose.

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